
Thursday, October 25, 2012

How to Share the Gospel with a piece of paper...looks like magic

Ticket to Heaven Cool Christian Evangelism Trick 

Age: All ages
Prep Time: Less than 15 seconds to fold it
Cost: free...most of the time unless you have to buy a sheet : /

This is one trick I think every Christian should know because it presents the Gospel really well and once you learn how to do it you can use it anywhere there is paper. I personally have seen about 5 different variations of this. Here is a basic presentation from Magic4Jesus!

Here is another way of doing this paper trick by John Louis (at 2:30 the illusion is over and he shows you how to fold it)

Here is another variation that uses the HELL pieces of paper to spell LIFE and using the same pieces you can show three crosses.

Here is a Diagram I made on the computer to show you how I fold this trick with a piece of paper.

My Gospel Routine with Ticket to Heaven

  I use a story about two friends Mike and Joe who live in a house (see # 5 in illustration)Talk about how they planned on going on a vacation. So they got on a airplane (then I fold the house in half and make it look like an airplane and fly it around a bit...then I crash it into one of the kids.) Then they died... Mike and Joe are now waiting in line to get to heaven...Mike has a ticket(fold wings down flat so it looks like #6 in illustration)...Joe doesn't. Joe starts asking how Mike got a ticket? Mike explains to him when he was a child he Gave his life to God and lived for him. Joe was scared because he never thought God was real. Joe thought the Ticket was what was going to get him into heaven So he started fighting with Mike trying to get the ticket. In the process Joe tore 2 pieces off the ticket. He thought since he has most of the ticket he should be good now.  (keep the hell pieces to use next and give the cross piece to a volunteer and tell them to hold that piece and don't open it till the end.) God comes out during judgement and asks Joe why he believes he should go to heaven. Joe gives God his ticket and says because I have this ticket.(start unfolding the papers and start spelling out hell) God takes the ticket and Tells Joe that the ticket is not what saves you. Since you never had a relationship with me and never believed and gave your life to me. This is where you will be for eternity...(by now you should have hell already spelled out) Now Mike is really nervous because he saw his friend just get sent to hell. God asks Mike why should I let you into heaven. Read Romans 6:23and Romans10:9-10. (take Hell papers and start to make it say life) Mike was speechless...God said since you gave your life to me as a child and lived for me. This is your destination (have volunteer unfold cross paper)since my son payed the price for your sins.

Try this trick out! Take one of these routines or take a bit from each one...make it your own! Leave me a comment with your ideas! Now Go and share the gospel with someone.

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